art and philosophy

What is Deep Ecology?
‘Deep Ecology’ is the idea that all entities in the universe, of which the human is one, exist and come into ‘being’ only through relationship with each other. 

Deep ecology  was conceived by Norwegian philosopher and ecologist Arne Naess. It has no one dogmatic approach. Naess rather believes thre are many approaches toward deep ecology.

Raphael is particulalry interested in exploring deep ecology through interesections between various disciplines: such as  architecture, art, design, medicine, therapy and other science, philosophy, and technology.
More about Deep Ecology

What is Relational Being? 
Raphael views being lesss as individated manifestation but more as the idea that the coming into being is always a relational process. Here there  are parallels between deep ecology and the Buddhist idea of ‘relational orignation’ (Sanskirt: Pratityasamutapada). This is a concept where nothing exists of itself but only in relation to each other.  The Buddhist concept of  ‘emptiness’ (Sanskrit: Shunyata) is complementary to ‘relational origination’. There is also a parllel in PHusics with ideas such as in Quantum Field Theories. Here particles are merely local condensations of the  all pervasive Field: concentrations of energy that come and go, thereby losing their individual character and dissolving into the underlying field. Such thinking undermines egotistical individualism. It places emphasis on ‘relatonal’ being.

What is Relational Art?
The relational art that intersts Raphael specifically is where an ‘art’ comes into being through an interaction, people (artists and viewers), the environment in which these people find themselves, and objects that the people engage with. 

In  relational art, the artist is a catalyst  for an event or expereince not the center of things.
More about relational aesthetics & relational art 

What is a Tea Ceremony?
The tea ceremony is an example of relational art.
It is art experience centered around the creaton and drinking of tea. It is an inter-active and immersive art that is rooted in Zen and the experience of ‘being’.

The tea ceremony is know in Japan as ‘sado’ or “the way of tea’ which better explains it as a philsophical path or journey followed by its participants

The tea ceremony  is a multi-sensory and multiple media experience. It involes all the senses; as well as architecture, design, performance, ritual, ceramic art, epicure, flower arrangment. At its heart is an art of conviviality between two or more individuals.

Ultimately the mundane act of drinking tea is a catalyst for a more profound concept: the way we live our lives in daily life is the the actual art that is at the core of the tea ceremony.
More about  the tea ceremony

Some relevant ideas of artist Marcel Duchamp
Marcel Duchamp stated towards the end of his life: 
        ‘My art would be that of living: each 
        second, each breadth is a work which is     
        inscribed nowhere, which is neither visual 
        nor cerebral. It is a sort of constant 
        euphoria’ . 

Art  here is not something that is found in a gallery. Instead it could be understood as something that can manifest in each and every moment in our lives. 

With such a thinking the teaching of art, and, more importantly, the manner of the teaching also becomes an art.

What is Bauhaus?
The Bauhus School was a school created in Germany with the idea of creating a 'total' work of art in which all arts, including architecture would eventually be brought together.

 Bauhaus was one of the most innovative ideas in art education over thelast 150 years. It influenced in many ways much of the architecture, art and deisgn we see around us today.
More about the Bauhuas

Is a & p a school?
a & p could be said to be ‘a school of thinking’.
However it is not a solid building nor does it intend to be. Rather the aim is for its form to match some of  the philosphical inspirations.
a & p welcomes any invitation to create a course, a talk, dsicussiion, a playshop or other educational activity.

How does a&p differ from art taught in Universities?
There are many differences. a & p advocates a holistic and open learning environment, where learning outcomes are much more in the hand of the students. There are no exams or certificates. Outcome can and should be more open-ended, not prescriptive. 

Raphael perceives Universities in general to be functioning increasingly as businesses, no longer maintaining  the purssuit of new knowledege for both teachers and students to be their core raison d’etre. This is not to deny the some phenomenal research, teaching and learning that can and does take place. It is remarking on a deeprer malaise taking place in many aspects of our societies , such as in the NHS, where the core imperatives are being lost, in the pursuit of incorrectly defined valuations of ‘quality’.

How can I get involved?
a & p needs financial support for its long term project: the Street Library and the Street School.
Any level of donation is welcomed.

Your physical support as volunteer would be welcomed too in so many ways.

If you would like to host a Pop-Up Event or have ideas for a collavoration, get in touch.

MORE FAQsTO BE INSERTEDhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deep_ecologyhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Relational_Aestheticshttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanese_tea_ceremonyhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BauhausStreet_Library_%26_Street_School.htmlshapeimage_2_link_0shapeimage_2_link_1shapeimage_2_link_2shapeimage_2_link_3shapeimage_2_link_4
If you are interested to host a pop event appropriate to your own needs, contact:
Raphael Jay Adjanimailto:raphael@artandphilosophy.net?subject=a%26p%20pop%20eventshapeimage_3_link_0
Street Library and Street School requires  sponsorship.  If you are interested to sponsor it, or to find out more  about it and how you could support it, contact:
Raphael Jay Adjani Street_Library_%26_Street_School.htmlStreet_Library_%26_Street_School.htmlmailto:raphael@artandphilosophy.net?subject=Street%20Library%20and%20Street%20Schoolshapeimage_4_link_0shapeimage_4_link_1shapeimage_4_link_2


Some listed pages and links are not yet operational.

New site to be fully operational on: 1st November 2012


Catch up with a & p on Facebookhttps://www.facebook.com/SAP.school.art.philosophyshapeimage_10_link_0
a & p
a not-for-profit
Center for Creative Development
8 technology: a research project initiated at Goldsmiths,
University of London

Donations of Art Materials, Cameras, Computers, Books, etc.
that you no longer use,
of your skills
or of Money
are gratefully received.

Post Items to:
a & p
Bangkok Horizon
Rhamkhamhaeng Bangkapi
Bangkok 10410

Financial Donations:
can be made in two ways:
shortly  via:
Google Checkout

Or by Cheque/Draft
Account Name: Art and Philosophy:
Bank: HSBC  (United Kingdom)
Account No. 91602152
Sort Code:40-02-17
IBAN: GB57MIDL40021791602152
a & p welcomes collaborative projects with  
 individuals and organisations,worldwide on projects with shared themes or goals. Contact: Raphael Jay Adjanimailto:raphael@artandphilosophy.net?subject=a%26p%20pop%20eventshapeimage_12_link_0

About a & p 

Approach to Teaching & Learning

Philosophy, Atmosphere & Ethos

Pop Up Events

Street Library & Street School

About  Raphael Jay  Adjani


